Verify a Certified Service Dog

Enter your 5 digit code or handler credentials to verify a certified service dog.

Use verification code ‘12345’ to see a sample.


Service Dog Verification

Companion Training provides Service Dog registration and verification for all Service Dogs that qualify under the Federal (ADA) American’s with Disabilities Act.

Companion Training advocates for both: Business owners & People With Disabilities

  • Airlines & Business owners should be able to verify a legitimate Service Dog team that qualifies under the (ADA) Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • People with disabilities who’s Service Dogs qualify under the Federal & State guidelines should be able to have their needed Service Dog with them in public when necessary.

Companion Training’s Certified Service Dog verification feature is specific to dogs trained by Companion Training, LLC. We are not affiliated with any government agencies, nor do we register Service Dogs who do not qualify. This is not a registry for all Service Dogs in the general public across the nation.