Service Dogs in Boise, ID 8

Service Dogs and Boise, Idaho go hand and hand thanks to Companion Training. Did you know that Companion Training has been training highly skilled Service Dogs locally since 1997?  Boise is such an amazing place to live, play and work. Everyone here at Companion Training absolutely loves serving our community here in Idaho.

Over the years we have mastered and specialized in many different categories. Of service dog training. Because we are passionate about helping improve people’s lives, we have developed techniques and systems in producing the most amazing Mobility Dogs, Psychiatric Service Dogs, Diabetic Alert Dogs and Service Dogs for Children on the spectrum.

  • Service Dogs for children on the spectrum – It takes a very specialized Service Dog Expert to be able to successfully help with this category of Service Dog Training. Fortunately Boise, ID is home to Companion Training if someone is need of  a Service Dog for a child on the spectrum.
  • Psychiatric Service Dogs  – These dogs can be very helpful to people with depression, anxiety, PTSD and many other challenges.
  • Mobility Dogs – Whether it’s from M.S., spine injuries, brain injuries, knee and joint problems, etc.… If for any reason a person is having mobility issues and need a Service Dog trained for them. We can help! Service Dogs can help in so many different ways for people who are living with mobility challenges.

Although we could go on and on about the Service Dog categories that we love to train, this article could become a bit long to read. After specializing in Service Dog training for so many years, the fact is that we can help with most any goal you have for your own Service Dog needs. Simply call us and set up a consultation and we can help tailor everything to your specific needs. Let us help you with our years of experience. If suitable, we can help you choose the breed and training plan that will excel far beyond your expectations. We look forward to helping more friends in Boise and the surrounding areas of Idaho.


Service Dogs for Autism

Service Dog in Boise, ID


T.J. Smith

Service Dog Specialist

Boise, ID

8 thoughts on “Service Dogs in Boise, ID

  • Chris Gerow

    Need some help with Training a PSD for my 22 yr old daughter. She does have a dog that turn a 1yr old in Dec. And YES we understand Riza IS still in Puppy phase for at least another 2yrs. However, There are some things that Riza is doing, that makes us unsure IF Riza can be worked through so she CAN be a PSD for my daughter. IT could Riza is just picking up on my daughters anxiety and is not sure What she needs to do to help. MY daughter is also on SSI, so doesn’t have very much money For Training. And I am on Disability, so again money is Tight. Making Payments, depending on Price, would be a great option for Us. Please at least contact me back, either way, and Hopefully we can come up with something. BTW: I am trying to train a Medical/Siezer Alert Dog, and could use some help with her as well. Thank you for at least reading, And please get back with me, either way.

  • Judy Frederick

    Our 11 year old companion dog accompanies my husband who has dementia in the world and at home. We travel with a letter from our Dr. And have had no problems until recently. I understand the overuse of emotional support animals, Bella is never inappropriate in church, our local coffee shop, or running errands, but has not been trained officially. We are looking for training for us to satisfy certification, as we face problems of not being suitably official. Help please.
    Judy and Coston Frederick

  • Candace Ramsey

    I know nothing about obtaining a service dog. I am 66 female have diabetes and FTD which is a degenerative brain disorder.

  • Patty toth white

    How much does it cost to train my dog to be my service dog for my ptsd and anxiety and bi polar 2 ? I also have ADHD. Thank you. Patty

  • Heidi LeClaire

    I need a certified dog for PTSD, anxiety, and diabetes. Looking for scholarships and such to find and receive such and animal. I am low income but need help for social and personal reasons please contact me.

  • Janette Lovell

    Interested in a service dog to help my son who is autistic.
    We had a death in our family. They have a 19 month dog who is close with my son. He is a weinerimer. Are you able to train a dog we already have? If so, what does that look like? What is the cost etc?

  • Shelby Flathers

    Hi! My name is Shelby and I have an English Springer named Butters! I have Bipolar Type 1 and I have trained her to calm down behaviors such as crying, anger, or anxious fits. She will also stop acts of self harm like hitting myself. She keeps me on a schedule by waking me up everyday at 8 am by sitting by my side of the bed a nudging me awake. She has helped curve a lot of spiraling effects of bipolar. I am looking to register her as a service dog but I don’t know the next steps. Aside from working dog training she is also a well trained dog and does everything in the PAT requirements well. What are my next steps?

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